Pepper Product Selector (PPS)

 Find your clients' fit in under five minutes^

Brokers use Pepper Product Selector

How does PPS work?

PPS combines simple information about your client with their credit history to provide a potential Pepper Money product in the form of an Indicative Offer^. The tool is particularly helpful for clients whose needs are more complicated. And with an Indicative Offer at your fingertips, you can confidently continue the conversation with your client knowing there is a genuine solution available.

Steps to using Pepper Product Selector

Note: Make sure you're logged into the Pepper Product Selectorl first. Your client’s history will be automatically obtained by the tool via a Bureau credit enquiry, so you’ll need to obtain their consent beforehand. But don’t worry, it won’t impact their credit score.



Why try PPS

Know where your client stands, with no impact on their credit score.

  • Options: Prime to Specialist
  • Fast: An outcome within minutes
  • Easy: A simple tool with a comprehensive outcome
  • 24/7: Like a digital BDM
  • Reliable: An indicative offer^ from leading non-bank lender

All applications for accreditation are subject to Pepper Money eligibility criteria.

^ Before using Pepper Product Selector, it is important to ensure you have received your customer’s written consent to complete a credit enquiry. Applications are subject to the credit assessment, eligibility criteria and lending limits.

An indicative offer is not a formal approval for a loan and financial commitments must not be entered into based on it. It is not a suggestion or recommendation of any particular loan product. It is a guide only based on the limited information provided and the credit score obtained. The actual interest rate and fees will depend on the borrower’s circumstances and the information verified during the loan application assessment.